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Termite Control |
All the species of termites fall under the phylum of arthropods which is probably the most diverse phylum that belongs to the kingdom Animalia. Among 70% of all creatures come under this phylum. Earlier termites were not considered under the order of cockroach but after the modern phylogenetic studies scientists have considered them under their order. There are more than 3000 different species of termites existing till date which were emerged during the Permian age. They are also referred to as white ants even though they are totally different from ants.
It is commonly observed that when they form a group of thousand termites there is one male who is the king and two or three females as the queens and apparently both are fertile and can reproduce and continue their traits. These termites are indirectly very useful for the environment as they are detrivores which feed only on the dead decay materials. Termites mostly feed on the plant material which consists of cellulose, leaf litter, animal dung etc and recycle them. Though they have ecological importance because the substances on which they feed on goes back to the mother nature but, the building construction and uncovered wooden substances comes in danger. The furniture that we use in our day to day life is completely made up of cellulose.
Among 3000 species 100 are involved in damaging other furniture. Coptotermes, which is one of the general, includes the highest number of species which cause harm to the furniture which also can be transported from one city to another through damaged furniture as they live in it and reproduce. They also cause harm to the fields and the crops so termite control has become an important issue to control their activities.
Termite Control Can Be in Various Ways Some of them are: -
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Termite Control Services |
- Using biotechnology, the plants which are not resistant to termites, a special gene named immunoglobulin G (IgG) which can be obtained from rabbits can be added into their gene pool so that their body creates the protein which will kill the termites when they invade on their stem.
- ELISA Test can be used to trace the termites in the field as when the field is sprayed with egg white, cow milk and soy milk proteins and apparently when the termites feed on it they are detected only if they consist any of this protein.
- Termite control with the liquid which is generally known termiticide is sprayed along the whole lawn so that it acts as a long-time barrier and also doesn’t allow to invest for a longer period of time and the house and furniture remains termite free.
- Baits are another form of a poisonous substance for them which also include cellulose to attract them which are installed under the ground in the plastic containers as they rely on the soil for their moisture content in the body so they have to return to the ground. When they feed on it their digestive system is affected and they die.
Termite control treatment is not to be given only on the spots where they are located but everywhere around the house because there is a possibility that they might have migrated to other spots around the house and constructed their colonies. When termite control procedures carried by liquid it lasts for 4-5 years but at times it happens to take place that other termites enter from the untreated area and again invest on the house so it is important to deal with it thoroughly and with some highly skilled worker. You should hire a qualified termite control company and ask them to take preventive measures about termites.
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